Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BEAUTY AWAKENED by Gena Showalter

Gena Showalter

Series:  ANGELS OF THE DARK, Book 2
Genre:  Paranormal Romance
Format:  Paperback & eBook

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His name is Koldo. He is scarred, powerful, his control legendary-and he lives only for vengeance, determined to punish the angel who viciously removed his wings. But if he yields to the forces of hatred, he will be kicked from the heavens, eternally damned. 

She is his last hope. Nicola Lane was born with a defective heart, yet this fragile human shows surprising strength as demons stalk her every move, determined to end her. She is the key to Koldo's deliverance...and his downfall. Though he fights duty, destiny and his first addictive taste of desire, his toughest battle will be the one for Nicola's life-even if he has to sacrifice his own....

BEAUTY AWAKENED, the 2nd installment of Gena Showalter's Angels of the Dark series is finally here and it was so worth the wait! 

The book starts off with a young Koldo at the age of 7 years old.  This was by far the most heartbreaking chapter I have ever read.  A little boy starved for his mother's attention and love and getting nothing but hatred and abuse in return.  No matter what he did to please her, she hated him and punished him more.  We finally learn what happened to Koldo's wings and I sat here with a box of tissues balling my eyes out through this chapter.  We also find out who his father is and I just can't decide who was worse, his mother or father.  I finally decided they were both just as equally horrible.  Poor Koldo! 

Koldo is a warrior in Zacharel's Army of Disgrace, a group of warrior angels that are in danger of falling.   I loved Koldo when he was introduced in WICKED NIGHTS but now he has my heart forever.  I'm a sucker for the tortured souls and we all know Koldo went through torture when we learned his wings were removed but in this book we learn the full extent of the hell and anguish he went through. Koldo was the warrior with few words and no emotions, but he does have emotions.  He just covers them up and pretends to not care because he is scared of rejection.   Through everything that he has been through he still fights for what's right and he's a hero which he proved in WICKED NIGHTS when he made huge sacrifices to save his leader Zacharel.  When he learns to open up and discovers his feelings for Nicola he is also very possessive but in a sweet, melt your heart kind of way.

Nicola and her twin sister Laila were born premature and with underdeveloped hearts.  They have lived their lives not truly living at all due to fear of overdoing it and having a heart attack.  They both know they don't have long to live but they are too weak and scared to fight.   Nicola isn't a kick ass hero like Annabell was in WICKED NIGHTS but she is awesome in her own rights.  Nicola is the stronger sister,  always looking out for and taking care of Laila who is the weaker more afraid sister.  She's easy going but not a doormat and she's not afraid to stand up for herself and let anyone push her or her sister around.  She's kind, good hearted and funny and I really enjoyed her character.

Koldo first notices Nicola while on a mission in a hospital.  He finds Nicola leaning over a very sick, almost dead Laila.  He notices right away that they are both being poisoned by demons who are shadowing their every move and are filling them with toxins.  They feed on their fear, sadness, pain, doubt and any other negative emotions and the demons are slowly killing them both.  Koldo takes an interest in Nicola and decides he's going to teach her how to get rid of the demons and keep them away for good.  Because to have any shot at living, they need to keep the demons away for good.

A lot of the healing Koldo teaches Nicola and Laila was all about the power of positive thinking.  Some people may be put off by this but I truly believe that positive thinking does help.  If you think negative thoughts then those thoughts will start to bring you down.  We may not have demons sitting next to us feeding us negative thoughts and toxins like the sisters do, but to me negative thoughts and words are toxins.  If you think negative about yourself you start to believe it and live it.  I love how Gena incorporated this into her story.

This book is NOT full of steamy sex scenes like some of Gena's other books.  There is pretty much one full on sex scene but there is plenty of sexual tension.  Both Koldo and Nicola are virgins and Nicola needs to take things slow otherwise her heart can give out.  This book has just the right amount of sex and tension for these two characters and I think Gena told their story perfectly!  Honestly, I get tired of the hero and heroine jumping into the sack by the 100th page of most books. It takes a talented author to write a romance book with only one actual sex scene and keep it sexy but if anyone can pull it off its Gena and she totally nailed it!

We get to see a lot of Axel and Thane is this book.  While Axel acts extremely  immature, you can't help but LOL at his crazy antics and the absurd things that come out of his mouth.  Thane was on a mission to take out the demons responsible for killing someone they all cared dearly for.  AND….for all you Lords of the Underworld fan girls out there, William makes an appearance! Squee!!

Overall this book was incredible!  It was heartbreaking at moments and LOL funny the next.  It was sexy without a lot of sex and full of non-stop action.  BEAUTY AWAKENED pulled me in from the very first page and consumed me to the last. 

*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

I give BEAUTY AWAKENED 5 out of 5 skulls

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